And She Grew And She Grew
One year ago today I gave birth to my fourth child, Anneliese. She was so very little and not particularly pleased to see any of us. She fussed about her new lodgings quite ferociously for weeks, but how very quickly she became loved by her 3 older siblings and parents. She was hardly ever put down and all of us fought over whose turn it was to hold her.
Then she grew and she grew all through that first year and our family cheered each time she learned to do something new.
I still rock her to sleep every night and will continue doing so until she will no longer let me. I will proudly wear the boogers, tears and food she smears all over my shirt and will hold her little hand as she learns to walk, enters preschool and even kindergarten. All of these stages will happen so fast that it will make my heart ache for each stage she has grown out of.
Just like her brother and sisters before her I will worry daily about her and pray fervently that those around her will see just how special she is and treat her kindly.
Happy birthday my sweet angel, "I'll love you forever. I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living my baby you'll be."
my baby is turning one

And She Grew And She Grew
Queen Mom Jen
Anneliese|my baby is turning one|