The Easiest and Best Sopapillas You Will Ever Make
I have already covered that my mother is from Chihuahua Mexico and my family has a long standing tradition of fabulous Mexican food. Mexico is a very big country with many regions and each region has it's signature dishes which vary in both ingredients and cooking styles.
This week my family had the stomach flu so I haven't been able to share with you some of my favorite dishes as taught to me by my mother and Abuelita (that means little grandma).
I can however share with you my sopapilla recipe. It is again a recipe that has been derived from my need to simplify and cook with efficiency of time in mind.
Before I share it though, I wanted to touch briefly on the Holiday. Cinco de Mayo isn't really a National Mexican Holiday, but is honored mainly in the states of Peubla to celebrate an important battle. Today the date is observed in the United States as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride.
When my mother was 2 years old she came to America. Her Father was an American, her mother was not. They came to America during the height of the depression years, but what America had to offer far surpassed the violence and turmoil of the revolutionary violence that was occurring at the time in Mexico.
My Abuelita worked hard, learned the language and took her citizenship test to become a full fledged member of this great Nation. The road was not easy and prejudice was definitely apparent in her and her family's life, but today I am immensely grateful for the strength and courage of those who decided to make this country their home.
The Easiest and Best Sopapillas You Will Ever Make
Do not laugh at how simple this is, just gleefully receive the rave reviews you will get for making these puppies.
1. Buy a package of pre-made frozen dinner rolls like this.
You can also buy a store name brand bag as well. It work's just the same.
2. Grease a pan. I usually use a pie shape dish.
3. Place desired amount of rolls on the pan. Don't overfill. They are small at first, but will enlarge and rise.
4. Let rise for 2 to 3 hours. You want them soft and a little mushy so that you can work with them.
5. Take a roll out of the pan and carefully stretch it and place in a pan full of hot oil (canola, vegetable it all works). The temp needs to be just right before you put in the sopapilla. Flip and cook on both sides. It doesn't take long to cook.
6. Take out and place on a plate with a paper towel to get off some of the extra cooking oil.
7. Top with your favorite ingredients. I used powdered sugar and honey this time, but you can use refried beans, cheese, taco meat, lettuce, whole beans. It will all be good.
Cinco de Mayo,
easy sopapilla recipe,
Rhodes rolls

The Easiest and Best Sopapillas You Will Ever Make
Queen Mom Jen
Cinco de Mayo|easy sopapilla recipe|Rhodes rolls|