Future Farmers Of America & Easter
What might the FFA and Easter have in common?Well, this is the weekend where I change out my glittery sandals for work boots and gloves in order to help rope in our crazy little bunny Lance A-Lop for the County Fair. The biggest event of the year for 4H and the FFA. This year the County Fair just happens to take place over Easter weekend. I guess it's kind of fitting since we have a bunny.
Here's my girl last year placing in the finals for showmanship. We were so proud of her.
We will spend the better part of the weekend in a barn full of sheep, goats, bunnies, roosters, cows, pigs, dogs, hamsters and guinea pigs. My baby girl has never even been to the zoo and she has NO IDEA what is coming her way. So excited!
Here she is sitting in the middle of the barn last week when we went for set-up.
The hubs, who feels it is his personal shame that he has such "citified" family members ( I like camping in hotels) loves this weekend. He grew up very rural and camping, hunting and caring for animals were all a part of his life, that is, before me. Bambi really affected me as a kid and I don't like hunting, he eye rolls me at this.
We'll post pics about how the weekend goes, but before I leave I wanted to share with y'all (see I'm getting ready for this weekend) some great Easter pictures. We tried to take baby Anneliese to meet the Easter Bunny at the mall this week and she was completely terrified of him, much like these little tykes.
Happy Easter and welcome spring!
Take it away Gretchen.... Here I come County Fair!
redneck woman,
scary bunny pics

Future Farmers Of America & Easter
Queen Mom Jen
4H|Easter|FFA|redneck woman|scary bunny pics|